Dragones como monturas.
Mis preocupaciones iniciales rondaban por:
-Como hacer que el dragon no quite protagonismo a los PJ.
-Como hacer que no sean mas duros que los jinetes.
-Como assignarlos sin que desequilibren el juego.
-Que clase de poderes/dotes realizar para darle soporte.
-Dragones cromaticos o una sola raza.
Pues bien ... parece que la 4e tiene todo eso mas o menos controladito por mi (curioso por que lo de los jinetes de dragon no es que lo usen mucho :P).
Al final (despues de adquirir el draconomicon de 4e) me decanto por utilizar todos los dragones cromaticos, asi cada jugador podra darle un caracter mas propio a su dragoncete, y tendran algo mas por lo que sentirse unicos :p
Sobre las dotes/poderes, en realidad ya lo tengo mas o menos hecho ^_^, en el libro de Martial Power (de reciente edicion, y que adquiri junto al Draconomicon) existe un build para ranger llamado Beastmaster, el concepto original del build es la de un compañero de a pie que lucha al lado del ranger.
Pero en realidad voy a usar sus estadisticas (junto a la plantilla de elite de criatura draconica del draconomicon) para representar ese vinculo y/o especializacion, no es indispensable, pero alguien que siga este camino ciertamente tendra un dragon mas "ponderoso".
Adicionalmente cada dragon estara debajo del concepto del tipo Soldier, Skirmisher o Brute ... tengo que assignar colores a cada tipo XD, para darle gracia a lo del combate montado, tambien les assignare un pdoer de montura (del hipogrifo, el grifo, etc).
Sobre el tema de equilibrio o protagonismo, el sistema de 4e ya lo resuelve tranquilamente ... basicamente, tu montura (a no ser que sea inteligente ... y ya dije que no) no hace nada :)
A no ser que la comandes claro ;) eso significa que si quieres que la montura realize una accion estandar (como un ataque) el jinete debe gastar su accion estandar para ello ... lo normal es que el jinete use su accion de movimiento para hacer andar a la montura y su propia accion para atacar.
Eso hace que en realidad los personajes no tengan mucho mas poder que el normal, no pueden realizar mas ataques o cosas similares. Claro que es como tener un buen objeto magico ... y por eso van a empezar sin una pieza de oro (aparte de equipo basico).
Las tres plantillas basicas son:Dragon Brute (Elite)
Ability Scores: Strenght 16+half level, Constitution 14+half level, Dextery 12+half level, Intelligence 6+half level, Wisdom 12+half level, Charisma 6+half level
Size: Large
Speed: 6 squares, fly 6 squares (hover)
Defenses: AC 12+level, Fortitude 14+level, Reflex 10+level, Will 12+level
Hit Points: Constitution score+20 per level
Resist: 5 at 1st level against the type of damage dealt by the draconic creature's breath weapon, 10 at 11th level, 15 at 21st level
Saving Throws: +2
Action Points: 1
Attack Bonus: Level +2
Damage: 1d12
Melee Basic Attack : Claw; level+2 vs. AC; 1d12 + Strength modifier damage.
Trained Skills: Athletics, Endurance
Rabid Charger (while mounted by a friendly rider of its level or higher; at-will) * Mount
When it charges, the dragon brute makes two claw attacks in addition to its rider's charge attack.
Blood Frenzy (only while bloodied)
The dragon brute can take an extra move action each turn. It also gains a +2 bonus to attack rolls and takes a -2 penalty to all defenses.
Thunder Charge (standard; only while flying; at-will)
When the dragon brute charges, it gains a +4 bonus to its attack roll instead of the normal +1 bonus.
Breath Weapon (standard; encounter) * Acid, Cold, Fire, Lighting, or Poison
Close blast 4; level +2 vs Reflex; 2d8 + Constitution modifier damage of one of the following types: acid, cold, fire, lighting, or poison. The damage type does not change once it is chosen.Dragon Skirmisher (Elite)
Ability Scores: Strenght 12+half level, Constitution 12+half level, Dextery 18+half level, Intelligence 6+half level, Wisdom 12+half level, Charisma 6+half level
Size: Large
Speed: 6 squares, fly 10 squares (hover)
Defenses: AC 14+level, Fortitude 10+level, Reflex 14+level, Will 12+level
Hit Points: Constitution score+12 per level
Resist: 5 at 1st level against the type of damage dealt by the draconic creature's breath weapon, 10 at 11th level, 15 at 21st level
Saving Throws: +2
Action Points: 1
Attack Bonus: Level +5
Damage: 1d6
Melee Basic Attack : Bite; level+5 vs. AC; 1d6 + Dextery modifier damage.
Trained Skills: Perception
Diving Overrun (standard, only hilw flying; at-will)
The dragon skirmisher charges a ,edium or smaller enemy: level +6 vs AC; 2d6+Dextery modifier damage and the target is knocked prone. After attacking, the dragon skirmisher lands in an unoccupied space adjacent to the target.
Flyby Attack (standard; at-will)
The dragon skirmisher flies up to 7 squares and makes one melee basic attack at any point during that movement. The dragon skirmisher doesn't provoke opportnity attacks when moving away from the target of the attack.
Aerial Agility +1 (while mounted by a friendly rider of its level or higher; at-will) * Mount
While flying, a dragon skirmisher grants a +1 bonus to all defenses.
Breath Weapon (standard; encounter) * Acid, Cold, Fire, Lighting, or Poison
Close blast 4; level +2 vs Reflex; 2d8 + Constitution modifier damage of one of the following types: acid, cold, fire, lighting, or poison. The damage type does not change once it is chosen.Dragon Soldier (Elite)
Ability Scores: Strenght 14+half level, Constitution 14+half level, Dextery 14+half level, Intelligence 6+half level, Wisdom 14+half level, Charisma 6+half level
Size: Large
Speed: 6 squares, fly 8 squares (hover)
Defenses: AC 16+level, Fortitude 14+level, Reflex 14+level, Will 15+level
Hit Points: Constitution score+16 per level
Resist: 5 at 1st level against the type of damage dealt by the draconic creature's breath weapon, 10 at 11th level, 15 at 21st level
Saving Throws: +2
Action Points: 1
Attack Bonus: Level +4
Damage: 1d8
Melee Basic Attack : Bite; level+4 vs. AC; 1d8 + Strength modifier damage.
Trained Skills: Endurance, Perception
Wing Slam (immediate interrupt, when an adjacent enemy shifts or moves into a nonadjacent square; at-will)
Level +2 vs. Reflex; 1d6+Constitution modifier damage, and the target is knocked prone. The dragon soldier cannot use this power while flying.
Sturdy Mount (while mounted by a friendly rider of its level or higher; at-will) * Mount
When an attack forces the dragon soldier to move, it moves 1 less square than the attack specifies. When an attack would knock it or its rider prone, the dragon soldier can roll an immediate saving throw ro prevent it or its rider from falling prone.
Breath Weapon (standard; encounter) * Acid, Cold, Fire, Lighting, or Poison
Close blast 4; level +2 vs Reflex; 2d8 + Constitution modifier damage of one of the following types: acid, cold, fire, lighting, or poison. The damage type does not change once it is chosen.
Me parece que son una buena montura y bastante suculenta :D escribiendo los poderes ya he imaginado unas cuantas situaciones bunicas :)
Ahora tengo de decidir como tomo lo del nivel de la montura ... esta claro que un Beastmaster va a tener una montura de su nivel ... pero y los demas? Habia pensado que quiza seria equivalente a su nivel-2 ... asi su montura no quedaria muy atrasada y el Beastmaster aun tiene su ventaja.
Y sobre reglas de monturas voladores y combate, pues, el libro de master ya lo tiene todo ... asi que nada mas.
Bueno, me voy a hacer la limpieza de casa o mi mujer me colgara XD (hoy se quedo el niño ella para que yo pudiera limpiar ... y como he aprovechado el tiempo! jejeje)
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