Definitivamente mi idea de crear una mezcla de d20 y cyberpunk como juego de rol no me ha llevado muy lejos.
Es difícil trabajar en un proyecto que sabes que nadie usara, ni tan solo uno mismo.
Ya que nadie se va a leer las reglas para una partida en la comunidad umbria, y en el grupo que jugamos en mesa solo juegan a D&D.Adicionalmente el anuncio de la creación de NeuroSpasta, un entorno cyberpunk usando las reglas de 4ed no ayuda mucho XD
The Division of Public Safety was formed to protect the interests of Archon--a sovereign city-state built on a manufactured island in the Persian Gulf to be the new headquarters of the United Nations. The DPS deals with acts of terrorism and cybercrime--threats which are both on the rise. With over 150 embassies and being the home of the general assembly and Security Council, Archon has become a political microcosm. Its position in the global community has made it a target from every radical, fundamentalist, and anarchist in the world. The defense of this city falls to many organizations but no single agency has more power and has encountered more controversy, than the members of the Division of Public Safety. The DPS has been granted jurisdiction over all of Archon, including every embassy within the city, the only group on the planet with that authority. With accusations of militarism and the possibility of a police state, the DPS enjoys virtually no oversight in the application of their enforcement. Less than two years after its opening ceremonies, the foundations of Archon will fall under threat.
Nations are becoming increasingly paranoid. The onslaught of globalization and cyberization has linked nearly every mind on the planet in a massive neural network where memories and likenesses can be uploaded and traded. Robotics and nanotechnology have allowed the perfect representation of synthetic life. Prosthetics have progressed to surpass their organic counterparts. Genes can be altered and customized from the moment of birth. With every facet of society adjustable, mutable, nations found their heritage and sovereignty threatened. This increased paranoia and tension between the traditions of the past and the dreams of tomorrow. In this future, everything can be manipulated.
The increase of terrorist and internet attacks may not be from fundamentalists or anarchists, but from a new growing population of people rejecting their assigned role, their assumed nationality--a digital nation with no borders, no land, only citizens.
--Four new races: Nugenic, Prosthetic, True-Born, and Virtuant.
--The new "Ladder" system which offers more adjustability with character creation. Modify your class with one of six ladders.
--Ten new classes (TEN) including Sniper, Faceman, Infiltrator, and our hacker, the Manipulator.
--New armor including powered combat suits.
--New skills & feats.
--All new weapons including traditional firearms, rocket launchers, and laser rifles.
--An entire spectrum of cybernetics from the simple brain implant to total body prosthesis.
--Install and run programs in allies and enemies.
--Remote control robots from microscopic bugs to walking talks.
--Pimp your auto. Purchase vehicles and modify their features.
--All new opponents from fanatics to tanks.
Tiene una pinta muy interesante y mas conociendo los trabajos anteriores de esa gente ^_^, ademas tiene que usar las normas de la 4 edicion ...
Y es que, poco a poco la 4 edicion va llenando un espacio mas grande en mi afición rolera. Realmente es un sistema muy flexible y practico. Con muy buenas ideas por el medio y una simplicidad compleja ... si, ambiguo, lo se XD
Jode un poco la abstracción de las cosas, pero bueno ... es un mal menor.